wwwwwwwwwwwww Form1% Delete_BTN &Delete Quit_BTN &Quit Save_BTN Sa&ve Message_EDIT Subject_EDIT To_EDIT Subject_LBL &Subject: To_LBL Save_BTN_Click2 MAPIMessage MapiRecip MapiFile ignore DisplayStatus* MapiSession RecipClassT MAPI_TO] MAPI_CC FileNameL PathNameo Position Subject NoteText Bodyo RecipCount FileCount MAPISaveMail MsgId Form_Click @ Form_Load5 Caption SubjectList ListIndex IdList MAPIReadMail SUCCESS_SUCCESS Subject_EDITD Message_EDIT] Command2_Click* Quit_BTN_Click Subject_EDIT_Change Delete_BTN_Clickf ListCount MAPIDeleteMail Unload Unlod Message_EDIT_Change tatic Dimtatic DisplayMail nRecip nFilesR nRecips nRecipCount nFileCount To_EDIT Ednif OldCursor MousePointer MousPointer Define global message, recipient and file structures for use within the view form Delete_BTN_Click Get the index of the seleted subject andt it's corresponding message id Call MAPIDeleteMail with the message id Delete Mail If the call succeeded, the remove the subject and the message id from the SubjectList and the IdList. Re-highlight the proper subject in the SubjectList Hide the View windowi DisplayMail MsgBox (M.Subject) MsgBox (M.NoteText) MsgBox (Str$(M.RecipCount) + " " + Str$(M.FileCount))M MsgBox (R(0).Name) Form_Load the if session handle is zero, we assumes the user is not logged on yet You must logon to read mail! Get the subject list index and itsd corresponding message idg Display the hourglass cursor until* the ReadMail call completes Display a message if we fail An error was detected while reading mail! Restore the mousepointer to the originalg cursoru If we're successful, display the mail Display any file attachment information Quit_BTN_Click Unload the view window when we quit Save_BTN_Click Save any file attachment informationa NOTE: This is currently disabled ReDim Mf(0 To 0) As MapiFile Mf(0).FileName = "config.dat"* Mf(0).PathName = "c:\config.sys" Mf(0).Position = -1: M.FileCount = 1= Save the name in the To: edit field Save the subject and the messages